
Google Map of all my recommendations for Barcelona

Barcelona has beautiful sights to see all over the city, and Gaudi's were my favorites. But while you are enjoying yourself in this gorgeous city, you will have to eat some fantastic food along the way. So you might as well have your mind blown by food while the rest of this beautiful Spanish culture takes care of the rest. Here I have some amazing food for you all over the city, but mainly close to the big tourist attractions. I hope you enjoy Barcelona as much as I did, and keep grubbing!

Catalonian/Iberian Pork and Sorbet


La Pubilla is my highest restaurant in all of Spain and with amazing reasons. Everything here is delicious, and nothing here will disappoint. The absolute best item on this menu is the Iberian Pork, though the sorbet gives the pork a run for its money. This pork is one of the melt-in-your-mouth, uber-delicious, and loads of flavor meats that simply must be devoured immediately upon it being hand-delivered to your table. It is so good, it is quite unbelievable. And the sorbet for dessert is equally as jaw-dropping. You simply must come here and order both the mouth-watering sorbet and the mind-blowing pork when you are in Barcelona. 


Rank: 75

Murivecchi is an absolutely fantastic Italian joint in Barcelona that is also right near a noteworthy pastry joint coming up in the list ( Pastisseria Hofmann ), so I recommend swinging by here for an amazing meal. And then topping it off with a delicious dessert there. But here at Murivecchi, I do not recommend anything specifically because after I tried a few things, I saw it as one of those amazing restaurants that can’t disappoint. I devoured the Focaccia and the Pizza Verace, and I definitely recommend them to anyone who steps foot in here. But if neither of those options is your cup of tea, there is no need to fear. This joint has something for everyone, and I expect everything to be worthy of a ranking here.


Rank: 111

Here, we have another fancy restaurant to add to the list. It is another expensive restaurant that ranks very high but is still lower than its much cheaper counterparts on this list. However, the food is damn fantastic here, and if you are looking for a nice fancy dinner, look no further. Botafumeiro has amazing seafood all-around, so I do not have a specific recommendation, I would just say order whatever fish you think suits your fancy, and prepare for a delicious journey with your tastebuds. I would also be remiss if I did not say to save room for dessert here. I tried a few, and the mango-flavored dessert was definitely the best (you will find its picture above).

Pastries/Moon Rock

Rank: 116

Here we have our first and only noteworthy installment of a bakery in Spain. But my god, is it worth discussing. Upon researching Pastisseria Hofmann, I wrongly assumed that this Moon Rock was simply a gimmick and would not be that good. My god, have I never been more wrong. The Moon Rock is the best pastry I had here, and if you want to be spoiled on what the inside contains, well, it’s chocolate. The most excellent chocolate that some men may have ever tasted. This shit is just damn delicious and is a pastry I will think about the rest of my life, and hopefully, you will too, and not just because eating a Moon Rock is cool, but because it is fantastic as hell. 


Rank: 149

Well here we are again with an extremely fancy dinner ranking, but still much below some much cheaper avenues. However, that does not mean you should spend a trip over here if you have Brugaroi in the budget. I recommend going with the tasting menu of all of their tapas because, come on, who does not love eating nine rounds of fire tapas? If that is not your style I would go with the lamb rib here as that was also delicious. 


Rank: 175

Our first and only Asian food being ranked in Spain. While it is unfortunate I didn’t get to more( I had to spend my time eating Spanish food :D ), He Cheng was definitely the right choice to try. I do not have a specific recommendation here either, as it is another restaurant that I would say it’s dealer’s choice. Everything here is so good I would be stunned if an order was screwed up and you were not devouring some of the best Chinese food you have eaten. So prepare yourself for amazing Chinese that is also pretty close to La Sagradad Familia. 

Brunch/Pulled Pork Bennie

Rank: 215

Caravelle marks the first and only brunch place I have ranked in all of Spain. Brunch is not as big of a concept in Spain as it is in America, and in my opinion, that is because they structure their days better with their siestas and big lunches. But that is neither here nor there; Caravelle is an amazing brunch spot in Barcelona. I absolutely devoured the Pulled Pork Bennie, and this is what gave Caravelle its rank. However, Caravelle is one of those places where you can stray wherever you like and you will find something beautiful to devour. 


Rank: 320

Pummarola is my second-ranked pizza joint in Barcelona. It definitely does not hold a candle to the pizza at Murivecchi; however, that does not mean it is not worth discussing. This pizza is damn good, even though it is coming in pretty low in the overall rankings, and last in Barcelona, it is still a great pizza. And one that can beat out most of the pizza joints on the planet. I do not recommend a specific pizza here; go with whatever you like and prepare for the amazing crust, sauce, cheese, and a gorgeous blend with toppings that will leave you wanting more.