
Google Map of all my recommendations for Paris

Coming to Paris we both know you are excited for a variety of killer grub! Well, get excited because Paris does not disappoint. The food in this wonderful city is diverse, fantastic, and abundant. I know you will have a blast in Paris, and if you are looking for some high-quality grub along the way, look no further. 

Bella Pluma

Rank: 17

Oh baby! The number one place in Paris is in the top 20! This is some rarified air in the top 20, and Bellota Bellota deserves a spot ranked this high. There are a few locations around Paris, but we found it easiest to walk to the Eiffel Tower location when we were near the tower. I recommend doing the same if I were you, because this food here dwarfs all of the food around the tower, let alone in Paris and basically London too.

The Bella Pluma is pork meat that comes from a muscle in an Iberian pig, and whew, it just melts in your mouth! Man, it is so good I am re-living eating it just writing this, and oh my, I am jealous of anyone who can get this decadent meat more often than I can. While this restaurant may seem to specialize in ham, it is all a façade. The real winner here is easily this pork, and by god, this is a MUST stop while you are in Paris. 


Rank: 34

This is the holy grail of Crêpes. I had many Crêpes in Paris, but this local joint that gets crazy lines into the late hours of the night, and rightfully so, takes the cake. All the crepes here are amazing, and while this is the only crepe place that made the list, it is all you need. The Chatelet was the crepe that I most enjoyed, and while there are some great sweet crepes here, I recommend sticking to the savory crepes if you can because they are absolutely delicious here. The Chatelet has cheese, egg, potato, souzouk, salad, tomatoes, and onions, and my god, it is glorious. The man at the place said it was a meal to fill you for the day, while it was my 2nd lunch, I do recommend picking it up as your sole lunch on your way to Notre Dame and Saint-Chappelle. It is an epic lunch to eat while you walk, and I am sure your mouth will be watering as you order, just as mine is now thinking of that gorgeous crêpe.

Roulè Isatis

Rank: 36

Okay I am going to have to start throwing some French words out there, because those are the names of these AMAZING pastries, and I simply must follow their language, since they are the kings and queens of pastries in Paris. Literally almost every pastry I had in this city was better than any pastry I have had in my life. So I hope you are prepared for some epic pastries while you are in Paris.

At Patisserie Yann Couvreur the best pastry I had in my life resides in this epic pastry shop, and it is the Roulè Isatis a pastry covered in chopped walnuts and a chocolate drizzle lobbed on top, man it is almost hard to explain the intricacies of this pastry. But I have a picture of it on this page, and they have one on their website, so you can go there and see this beauty for yourself. However, you must go and taste one in person, because it is phenomenal. The chocolate bread and Chouquettes are two more delectable options to devour here if you don’t end up just eating the Roulè Isatis all day(which is very easy to do).


Rank: 59

We are sticking with some French delicacies for a while, and rightfully so. First we got the pastries, and don’t worry there is more where that came from. But it is time for a slight detour so we can discuss the incredible duck that is prepared in France. Chez Papa makes a Confit Duck that is the best duck I have had in my life, and I do not see many restaurants being able to grace your mouth with a better tasting duck than Chez Papa. The duck just falls off the bone and melts in your mouth. The potatoes served with it are also incredible. Seriously, check out Chez Papa, there are a few locations around Paris, we found it easiest to hit the location near the bastille, and I would recommend that as well when you are checking out the July Column.

Pastries Galore/Cookie 3 Chocolates

Rank: 71

Libertè is an outstanding pastry shop with a few locations around Paris. And I am telling you yet again to go here and just consume as many pastries as possible. The selection at this pastry shop has an excellent quality and quantity of pastries, and you will not regret coming by and downing pastry upon pastry. However, if you can only I have one I actually enjoy the 3 Chocolate cookie the most, but I mean I’ll be honest all the pastries here were really close together in rank, and deserve to be here. This place is the bomb!

Mountain Cutlet

Rank: 73

Chez Gladines is another fabulous restaurant in Paris, and not just a pastry shop (even though there is no need to hate on a fire pastry shop). Chez Gladines boasts a wide array of options on the menu, but the dish that was the best of what we tried was the Mountain Cutlet. It was absolutely glorious, and I definitely would recommend having it if I were you. The potatoes are great, and so is the mushroom sauce, but the veal is so perfectly juicy that it is the highlight of the menu for me. 

I must mention that everything on this menu looked fantastic and  I was only able to narrow it down to one favorite with the help of our waiter. Even if Veal is not for you, I have no doubt you will find some mind-blowing deliciousness on the menu.


Rank: 77

You are in Paris, you are probably looking for a nice fancy dinner, well look no further! While I usually don’t specialize in this high-end fancy restaurants, some are needed, especially in Paris. So here is one for you, A la Biche au Bois. The menu here boasts a far-reaching array of French delicacies, that well I was unable to find the menu online, but I have faith in you!

The favorite here was definitely the rooster which was cooked in this sauce that, well it was one of those rare drinkable sauces, so I would say it is a must if you are into that. I think the rest of the food here is surely delectable, but if you must get one thing, I would go with rooster(apparently the owner would too).

Pastries/Chocolate Pistachio Snail

Rank: 117

We are back on the pastry train, and I for one could not be happier. Du Pain et Des Idees translates to: Bread and Ideas. I think that name should tell you all you need to say. You will eat some delicious pastries and the pastries will make you think about how this could very well be the best pastries you have ever eaten. Now I know walking around with bread is a touristy idea for what you should in Paris, and if that is what you want to do, snag the bread here and now.

But if you are ready to indulge yourself in a feast of pastries, then look no further. The Escargot Pistache Chocolat(Chocolate Pistachio Snail) was my absolute favorite pastry here, and is one of the best pastries I have had in my life. I recommend stopping by for some killer pastries here if you have the time.

Ice Cream

Rank: 141

Bouillon is an amazing place for any meal of the day, and I actually have no real say over what you should have as your main course. I just, shockingly, have something for dessert for you here. This is a surprise to many as I am not a big fan of ice cream in general(hey, I don’t like cold things, okay?), but jeez, this ice cream is damn fantastic, yo! It is called Profiterole, glace au lait & chocolate chaud, and all I should tell you is to go and get it! The ice cream has so much flavor, and the cookies with it are also great. And I mean, who doesn’t like things surrounded by chocolate?

Savory Stack

Rank: 187

Holy Belly has two locations around Paris; we went to Holy Belly 5. The locations have different menus, so I cannot recommend anything at Holy Belly 19. However, at Holly Belly 5, I recommend going for breakfast and devouring a Savoury Stack. The pancakes here were amazing, and I honestly think you could snag any of the stacks you like, and it will be a heavenly experience. The eggs were also amazing, so there was no need to focus on pancakes if you wanted to branch out. I definitely think there is nothing you can order that would not be good here, so I assume the other location, Holly Belly 19, is the same.


Rank: 234

The last restaurant in Paris, being a pastry shop/bakery, just feels right. And this pastry shop does not disappoint either. Pâtisserie des Tuileries has a dazzling array of delicious pastries, and while they are all great, there is one that rises above the rest. It will be harder for you to find better macaroons than the ones you will destroy in Paris. But this bakery has the best macaroons I have had in my life and our favorite flavor was the eclair macaroons, however they were all fantastic and I recommend making a stop here to enjoy some iconic French macaroons.